been a while since i've touched this game, still as fun as i remember, good stuff!
been a while since i've touched this game, still as fun as i remember, good stuff!
hey, good game pal, as a fan of survival games, the concept itself got me from the begining, while in the other hand, i cannot ignore some little details as gamer on aground, but i will start with the good things in order to finish with some advices
the "+" facts:
+maybe the survival concept is not the most original thing in gaming history, but when it is well done, it shines, aground takes many things that make minecraft a good game and mixes it with a little rpg factor wich makes the game shine aside from minecraft
+a satisfying minning mechanic is always welcome, again, is not the most original concept since minecraft made it long ago, but i repeat, when it is well done, it shines
+a good sence of progression unlocking new possibilities based on different crafting tables to produce new products with the resources you gather during the gameplay and use them to get further and discover more and more to also make more and more
+i see a lot of potential on the game, this far the game is a litle too short, but as the description says, the game will be expanded based on the community recomendations and advices, based on this fact, i can say for sure that this game is going to be a good steam offer when finished
thats the good things i found on aground, now let's start with the things about it that could be polished
the "-" facts and some advices:
-the game is rpg, but it needs more of that to keep going, for now we have 2 "clases" wich are melee (sword) and ranged (bow and arrows) this is pretty standard, we have a character that is an alchemist so, why not a mage character that give away a staff and is willing to trade scrolls, teach magic spells and sell better mage equipment, even a miner class with expensive craftable bombs to mine faster and deal area damage
-give the player freedom on the building of the settlement should be in the list as well, the progression level is good, but it could be better if you give a little freedom to the player to customise his world instead of making an automated prosses, maybe one player preffer to have the smelting table and kitchen near of the storehouse and maybe another wants to have their tables stored in kinds, that would be a nice detail (and even make some underground bases, i'd like to see something like that)
-add bosses and some quest aside from the "bring me these materials" quests, something like "defeat (counter) (monster name) and i'll pay you" or "find (item name) on (place name) and i'll share some of my knowledge to you"
-finally, work on the AI, sometimes they accumulate on a building (like tha warehouse) and when i have to store something in it, i end up talking to an npc like 10 times in a row before i actually open the menu, why not make npc's stay away from buildings
that's all, the game is great as it is right now, but the concept has potential and if you work a little on its flaws, as i said before, it would be a sweet offer on steam, i'll be aware to not miss any update so i can enjoy the new features, see you and good luck with this and future projects ;)
as simple as adictive, i really like the game, the colorful graphics added to the intence gameplay and satisfying level up mechanic due to a constant dificulty progression made the game really enjoyable, the only thing i would sugest would be to expand the game area and why not?, make even some maps with buildings or something like that to make the player play with an environment, take cover or just block ways and limit player's options, if you happen to make a sequel, please make it multiplayer, that would be a game to pay for sure
Lovely feedback! thank you <3! for sure we will extend this game maybe as another new adventure with another theme and even story included. stay tuned!
i love this game, goes a little repetitive over time but it was really entertaining to play taking a solid combat system from darksouls, just one little complain, while running, if you stop suddently, the character keeps moving for a while but without any animations, so it looks like you are in ice all the time,a slide animation for that should fix it but again, just a little complain, awesome game dude
Thanks for that feedback. It's good to see thought out comments like that.
hey, good game dude, i had a really good time while playing it but i feel like something is missing, like there is some content that you guys just didn't add in time, so to make this game even better, i'll place some things this game need ASAP
1) more enemies and some extra work on AI: the game is fast paced as the tag list says, but after playing a few minutes, its always the same, enemies coming from both directions and charging towards the player, some are bigger, they wear different weapons and some are smaller and faster, some of them even jump, but that's it, after all, they goes with the same strategy, i'd apreciate an upgrade in the enemy AI
2)more weapons: there are many weapons to use and all of them are unique and offers a new way to play the game, but is just not enough, 10 minutes of gameplay and i've seen all the weapons this game has, besides the ranged weapons are too weak, they seem interesting but they are no match for the huge waves of late game, and we have a little amount of them, we don't even have a bow and a quiver, may we have a little rebalance here?
3) make the weapons enemies wear actually make a difference: its a good detail that enemies wear random weapons but its weird to see my character wearing a weapon that poisons enemies and then see an enemy with the same weapon but not poisoning me, thats just a little detail but it would be amazing that kind of detail, makes you feel you are facing an interesting challenge and could even add a "strategy" flavor to the recipe
well, just things to have in mind for future updates, somethings that i'd love to see on this game, and pleaso don't missunderstand me, i loved the game, is not an original concept but its well executed and entertaining, but a little work on some areas could make the game even better, cheers to the team
Hello, and thanks for the in-depth feedback! Very appreciated! Some of the things that you mentioned have been considered already, and we still have then in mind. Hoping that we don't end up sounding that we're making up excuses, let's go point by point.
1) There were a few ideas for enemies with different behavior, but since we had already extended our deadline a few times, we had to cut some stuff (in this case, we prioritized game modes and unlockable characters). If we come back to Colossorama when our other projects are done, enemies that force the player to adapt are a priority.
2) Balancing both the appearance of weapons and how effective they are on their own has been one of our challenges. With the current system and enemies, adding strong ranged weapons would make the game too easy, so staves work more as secondary. New features like enemies mean having to rebalance a lot of things (like, in the previous build, we added lifesteal, and someone got a few thousand kills by using only maces. We've nerfed it since).
However, yes, we agree that stuff like bows could be a welcome addition. It's a matter of adding them along other features to prevent some weapons being too strong with others being too weak. Firing from a distance is a tremendous asset for the player, and we'll see how to expand on that.
3) Same as with point 2, it's a matter of balancing everything as a whole. An early build had a problem of being too hard because there was no healing. Another made it too easy by adding said life draining. We haven't really proven the effect of letting the enemy use said effects for their own benefit. With your feedback (this one is actually one we haven't heard before), we'll discuss removing weapons that would make the player think they'll get a status debuff.
Agreeing with your first point, we'd rather add more unique enemies that affect gameplay than add more power to the same enemies. Giving them poison or life drain would make the game harder, but not more fun. Enemies that explode or make projectiles rain from the sky would have a more meaningful impact.
Thanks again for the feedback. This is one of our first projects, and it's come a long way thanks to people like you that give us such detailed comments. We'll be discussing these internally, and next time that Colossorama is due a good tweak, we hope to have thoroughly addressed some of these points of opportunity. Cheers!
really interesting, since you are one of my favorite artist/game dev. its really interesting to see how was your 8 years old drawing book like, my favorite was definitely iron man, but that mixture betwen parasect and gloom was nice too
finally after several hours of almost straight gameplay i completed the game, at first this was going to be a full review, but i saw that i mostly talked about why the game is so ez and i felt like i was making the game look like shit wich was not my goal, so instead im gonna write a full tutorial to play deterministic dungeon like a boss
step one: get totems, totems are items that can be found in golden chests after defeating bosses and gives the player some "pasive skills" permanently, in many words, when you die, you lose everything BUT totems and start all over again, there are 5 totems and you can stack their efffects by looting more of the same totems (totem upgrades are limited to level 3) you might as well, get some equipment from golden chests before thinking about totems, but here is the best order that you can get to start looting totems
1) mayan: slows down the selector and give you more control over your picks, extremely usefull for either deal damage and looting especific items, if you are low on health, mayan totem is also useful to evade battles by slowing down the enemy encounter selector
2) viking: the viking totem will randomly attack foes with ice attacks, making them freeze and lose their turn, this triggers after you use your turn so is like taking a double turn by random
3) hindu: this totem allows you to loot even more, battles will have as result a maxium of 3 loots instead of 2 and chests 5 instead of 4, wich is useful to farm equipment to trade in late game
4) alien: aline totem makes your character get more exp after defeating foes, this is really good to prepare for a tough boss fight by grinding levels
5) dragon: the dragon totem is the counterpart of the viking totem, this one will instead of ice, randomly attack with fire, making no status effects but dealing more damage, useful against late game strong foes
step two: learn to grind equipment and scrolls, this is not nesessary but this will help a lot when the time to fight a tough boss comes, in the map sometimes you will find a trading spot, here you can give equipment in exchange for scrolls, i recommend to farm equipment by defeating minions and looting after battles, mayan totems and hindu totems makes a solid combination, the slow addon makes it easier to chose to battle just 1 single enemy and loot the best amount of equipment avilable, wich is increased with the hindu totem, so no loss by having this two, while you go deeper and deeper in the dungeon you will find better equipment every time, when you have the best equipment that is possible to get in that area, try to get copys of that equipment so you can trade those pieces for scrolls, the better equipment you give, the better scrolls you get in exchange, just try to hold level 3 equipment until you have a 3 level set to trade, a full 3 level set gives a rare scroll that otherwise is only obtainable in slot machines
step 3: learn to grind levels, once you have a good set, you can start to fight trios of strong enemies and get a lot of exp for it, quoting a totem for this shore, use the alien one that increase the amount of exp you get after defeating monsters, with this you will level up really quick and get more and more powerful
step 4: create a strategy, this is an turn based rpg game, so strategy is an important part of the gameplay, there is not much strategy anyway, just get the strongest weapon you have and the best armor/shield you can get, level up your mayan totem by looting up to 3 of them to make sure you make the hihest amount of damage that weapon can deal and you are way to go, but get the viking totem to randomly freeze your foes or doing tin by yourself with ice scrolls are a good idea, especially in boss battles since you are fighting one single enemy, ergo, if there are no other enemies to freeze, they will simply lose their turn allowing you to attack for a second time or even use that time to heal yourself (they remain frozen after either 2 turns or until you attack, using an ice scroll against a frozen enemy is not a good idea since it deals damage but also unfroze the enemy)
final step: take some rests from time to time to refresh your mind, sometimes im so concentrated in the game that i forget to take rests, that's when i start to make mistakes becouse my mind is tired and unnable to focus in a 100%, this mistakes could go from something so simple like going in the wrong direction and fighting unnesessary foes wasting some energy, to something worse like attacking when i was supposed to heal me to not die in the next turn, sometimes, it is better to take rests to refresh your mind and get back at full force, try it out
well, that's all, if you follow this tips, you might get far enough to finish the game in your second run or even in the first one, hope to help with this mini strategy guide to play deterministic dungeon, bye bye :D
i played the first version, i liked it but it had some issues, anyway as it was said in the description, it was made in a weekend, that's 2 days, so it was kinda fair, now i see the game updatedand many errors like the arrows coming from nowhere at supersonic speed, or the randomness at the foes moves are solved, now the arrows are a bit slower wich give you a chance to deny it and the movement of the enemys are now not fully random, besides, we have more content now, like more maps (depending on the map you are, the enemy strategy will be slightly different due to some objects on them) a scoreboard and even a movile version, basically, this is much better, a lot more enjoyable and definitely, a 5 stars game, good job
just chillin' since im too lazy to do whatever
Age 24, Male
Studying programming
somewhere in nevada...
Joined on 2/10/15