hey, good game dude, i had a really good time while playing it but i feel like something is missing, like there is some content that you guys just didn't add in time, so to make this game even better, i'll place some things this game need ASAP
1) more enemies and some extra work on AI: the game is fast paced as the tag list says, but after playing a few minutes, its always the same, enemies coming from both directions and charging towards the player, some are bigger, they wear different weapons and some are smaller and faster, some of them even jump, but that's it, after all, they goes with the same strategy, i'd apreciate an upgrade in the enemy AI
2)more weapons: there are many weapons to use and all of them are unique and offers a new way to play the game, but is just not enough, 10 minutes of gameplay and i've seen all the weapons this game has, besides the ranged weapons are too weak, they seem interesting but they are no match for the huge waves of late game, and we have a little amount of them, we don't even have a bow and a quiver, may we have a little rebalance here?
3) make the weapons enemies wear actually make a difference: its a good detail that enemies wear random weapons but its weird to see my character wearing a weapon that poisons enemies and then see an enemy with the same weapon but not poisoning me, thats just a little detail but it would be amazing that kind of detail, makes you feel you are facing an interesting challenge and could even add a "strategy" flavor to the recipe
well, just things to have in mind for future updates, somethings that i'd love to see on this game, and pleaso don't missunderstand me, i loved the game, is not an original concept but its well executed and entertaining, but a little work on some areas could make the game even better, cheers to the team